Friday, May 6, 2011

A New Mother's Day

One thing I have learned thus far in my life is that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life!
As we are on the heels of Mother's day, I find myself flooded with emotion. This will be my first Mother's Day without my own mother. I can't even begin to describe in words just how much I miss her. My life has been forever changed by spending precious moments with my mom in the last six months of her life. Throughout that time I was reminded time and time again that God was in control and he had a different timetable than what I wanted for my mom. I didn't want to waste time wallowing in sadness, I wanted to grasp every life lesson that she was teaching. Through every chemo and through every radiation came a lesson of courage and faith. She never complained, even though she would get sick after some of her treatments. A smile was so often stamped on her face. I would look at her and just be amazed at the strength she was showing. I found myself wanting to be just like her. I to wanted to have the love that she carried so deep, the strength and will power she possessed and the never wavering faith. These are things that I took for granted and never noticed until you hear those words that someone you care about only has precious time to live. It is then that you grab onto everything you can to remember them by. Because of those moments that I have taken in, I want to be so much more. If there is one lesson I have learned it is that life is just too short. Dare to dream big! Dare to keep a God-sized vision in front of you! Dare to take hold of every blessing that the Lord has in store for you! Our big dream right now, is our adoption. The journey has been amazing thus far to see God work. It is times like this that I miss my mom. I just want to pick up the phone and share with her what new journey we are taking. I know that she is watching this big dream unfold for Jim Bob and I. Thanks to her, this dream is unfolding. And if mom were here she would say; keep standing. keep hoping; keep believing because God is working behind the scenes.
I am truly blessed to have had a mom like her. I am just so grateful that I didn't let those moments slip by and go unnoticed. Yes, this Mother's Day will be difficult but that being said, it will also be a special one because I now can share those values she taught me with my two boys (and soon to be) two girls.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who reads this! My hope for you is that you grab onto a dream and make it happen!
Happy Mother's Day mom....thanks for changing my life!